Friday, July 3, 2009

The Carleton? Where's that?

That is the question that I was asked when I said that I was heading down to to meet the #halifaxchicks at the Carleton on Thursday. OK...I also had to explain what #halifaxchicks is. Truth is I knew WHERE the Carleton (as I explained to my friends, it is on the corner of Prince and Argyle...just up from the Press Gang) was but I had never actually BEEN in the Carleton. I'm glad that has been remedied.

5:00 pm Thursday, July 2, 2009. I arrive at the Carleton after securing a sweet parking spot on Argyle Street (those of you from Halifax can attest to this being quite a coo) to meet up with a bunch of awesome ladies. The first thing that strikes me is the is actually nice in there! I had this preconception that The Carleton was another bar that catered to the university crowd and that it would be dank and smell of beer. O Contraire mes amis!! The Carleton is pleasingly cozy and I like the stone wall effect in select areas. There were 3 tables reserved for the #halifaxchicks of which 2 are occupied and though the 3rd table is used briefly, the two that we pulled together (much to the visible dismay of the waitress) turns out to be sufficient as some #halifaxchicks arrive late and others had to leave early.

I tried my best to remember everyone who attended:
Mrs. @
RyanDeschamps (aka Wanda)
But even with the nametags supplied by @spennell, I fear I have missed someone.

Though I didn't order an entree, the food was pretty good. I had the Shrimp Torpedoes and a Caesar salad accompanied by a Crown Float which is a drink made with cider and Guinness (I must say that while tasty...I'd never had a Crown Float before...they do LOOK better at The Foggy Goggle). Dessert was another matter. I RARELY order dessert but after seeing the cheescake wrapped/baked in phyllo pastry that @sburgwin and @laurenoostveen had ordered, I convinced @michellemccann to split one with was heavenly! I will return to the Carleton.

Good food, good drink and AWESOME company as always with a #halifaxchicks meetup. I look forward to them every time and can't wait to mark the next one on my calendar! CHEERS!


  1. That sounds like a wonderful evening and you managed to preserve the secrecy and intrigue of the mysterious world of the wonderful #halifaxchicks.

  2. i had a great time ... loving the fact that i am now and official #halifaxchick! next time, dessert is my treat!

  3. I knew I had omitted Aine...I just didn't know her twitter name...thanks for sending it...the 'oversight' has been corrected.
